Chiara Succi is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at ESCP Business School since September 2009 and she has been Academic Director of the Bachelor in Management (BIM) for the Turin campus.
She graduated in Communication Sciences at the University of Lugano (Switzerland) where she also achieved a Ph.D. with a dissertation on learning innovations within organizations. She collaborated to several research projects in the framework of the Swiss Virtual Campus Programme funded by the Swiss National Foundation.
She worked as teaching assistant at the University of Lugano, at the Politecnico di Milano and at the Edith Cowan University (Western Australia) as visiting researcher.
She worked at the leadership development center of UniCredit Group and at the Masie Center (New York) carrying research activities with the Learning CONSORTIUM network (nearly 150 Fortune 500 companies).
Her research focuses on skills development in different areas: leadership, family businesses, employability, craftmanship, human intelligence vs. artificial intelligence.