ESCP Business School and French Academy of Sciences partner for a conference series dedicated to the “Major Challenges for the Future”

Yves Bréchet Marc Fontecave

ESCP Business School and the French Academy of Sciences are proud to partner for a high-calibre conference series titled "Major Challenges for the Future." This unique collaboration will feature leading experts from various scientific fields addressing pressing global issues, offering novel insights and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue

A commitment to knowledge and exchange

This conference series, co-organised with the French Academy of Sciences, aims to address some of the most critical scientific challenges of our time. Over the course of the 2024-2025 academic year, six conferences will bring together internationally recognised researchers to explore topics ranging from pandemic response to the decarbonisation of industry and the implications of artificial intelligence.

Our role as a Business School is to open up a world of possibilities for our students. Thus, by encouraging cross-disciplinary exchange and debating major global issues, by uniting specialists from various domains, this kind of partnership will enrich students' learning experiences and close the gap between academic theory and real-world practice.

Léon Laulusa
Dean & Executive President, ESCP 

Hosted by ESCP International Politics Society*
*ESCP International Politics Society is a student organisation at ESCP sharing contents about Politics and International Relations 

Decarbonisation of Industry:
Energy Resources, Carbon Emission Limitations, CO2 Use

Invited speakers : Yves Bréchet and Marc Fontecave

Yves Bréchet is a member of the Academy of sciences and Professor at the Grenoble Institute of Technology. He is a material scientist who has devoted most of his research to metals and alloys. He was a pioneer in the design and construction of alloys with specific physical and chemical properties. He served as High Commissioner for Atomic Energy and is currently the Director of Scientific Research of the Saint Gobain corporation. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences and Professor at the Grenoble Institute of Technology.

Marc Fontecave is a member of the Academy of sciences and a professor at the Collège de France where he holds the Chemistry of Biological Processes Chair. His research deals with the metal complexes that are present in proteins and with a wide range of catalytic systems with an emphasis on the conversion and storage of renewable energy sources. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences and Professor at the Collège de France.

Upcoming conferences in the series

December 4th

Artificial Intelligence: Threats and Benefits.

Invited speakers: Serge Abiteboul and Patrick Flandrin

Serge Abiteboul is a member of the Academy of sciences and research director at the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria). He has contributed many key breakthroughs in data and information management with special emphasis on the Internet. He is a member of ARCEP (Autorité de Régulation des Communications et de la Poste ) which is part of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). He co-directed a French government mission on the moderation of social networks. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences and research director at the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria).
Patrick Flandrin's research deals with signal processing in almost all its forms. He is delegate for scientific information and communication at the Academy of sciences, and a research director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is an international leader in the time-frequency/time-scale analysis of complex signals and has applied his theoretical and algorithmic breakthroughs to a wide range of practical issues including biomedical imaging and the monitoring of Internet traffic.

Replay the inaugural conference

September 18th

Inaugural conference: "Forecasting and Monitoring of Pandemics"

Click here to replay

Alain Fischer

Invited speaker : Alain Fischer, President of the Academy of Sciences

Alain Fisher is a world-renowned immunologist. He was one of the founders of the Genetic Disease Institute IMAGINE and served as president of the scientific advisory committee for the French government during the COVID crisis. He is the current President of the Academy of Sciences and is also a member of the US Academy of Medicine.

Register for the inaugural conference & series

The series is open to the public and requires registration. For more details and to sign up for the events, please visit the registration page.

Learn more about the French Academy of Sciences events' programme


Organiser: ESCP Business School

En ligne -



Start date: 16/10/2024

Start time: 6:00 PM

End time: 8:00 PM