ESCP’s Global Executive PhD Programme announces its first doctors

Four participants successfully defended their theses, marking the programme’s first graduates.

In a major step in its executive education initiatives, ESCP Business School proudly announces its first graduates from the inaugural cohort of its Global Executive PhD programme.

Four participants in ESCP's Global Executive PhD programme successfully defended their theses, making them the programme's first doctors. They are: Piotr Horodyski (Artificial intelligence in recruitment from the applicant's, recruiter's and company's perspective), Ivy Buche (Purpose Implementation by For-profit Firms: A Process View), Jean-Christophe Nicaise (Organisational ambidexterity in the public sector: a multi-level perspective), and Valéry Plancade (How Hybrid Organisations leverage on Circular Business Models to develop their environmental impact).

The cohort joined the program in 2020 and made significant contributions to publications such as Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Computers in Human Behavior Reports.

“With these thesis defences, we celebrate our first doctors. The ESCP Global Executive PhD programme demonstrates that executives can develop outstanding qualities in academic research. We are proud of their success,” said Prof. Frédéric Fréry, Academic Director of the Global Executive PhD.

This marks a momentous occasion for the programme meant for senior executives and business leaders who wish to enhance, validate, and leverage their professional expertise within a rigorous academic framework. In a world facing profound evolution and relentless change, the programme helps business leaders act as reflective practitioners and conduct valuable, doctoral-level research on a part-time basis over three to four years.

"In addition to their academic development, our candidates strengthen their network with their peers at the C-level from all continents and all industries," says Margot Drancourt - de Lasteyrie, Director of the Global Executive PhD.

The programme is currently at full capacity with 4 cohorts and 78 candidates. There are 36 nationalities represented with an average of 16 years of work experience and 12 years of managerial experience.

The Global Executive PhD is part of a large suite of highly-ranked executive education offerings at ESCP, such as the EMBA, ranked 3rd worldwide, and the custom and open programmes, recently ranked 11th and 14th respectively in the FT 2024 Executive Education Global ranking.
