ESCP’s Master in Finance ranked #1 in the world by Financial Times for the second year in a row

ESCP Business School’s Master in Finance Tops 2024 Financial Times Ranking

For the second year in a row, ESCP Business School’s Master in Finance (MSc) programme has secured the number one spot in the Financial Times' 2024 ranking of the top 65 Masters in Finance programmes globally.

This achievement underscores ESCP’s status as a premier institution in the field of business education.

The annual FT rankings consider various factors such as international course experience, alumni network, diversity, career services, aims achieved, and alumni salaries.

ESCP’s Master in Finance excelled across the board, particularly in alumni network and career services where it was ranked 1st, with an impressive 100% of graduates securing employment within three months of graduation. The programme also led in terms of aims achieved (96% of respondents).

ESCP’s MSc in Finance offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes fundamental finance courses and specialisations in corporate investment banking or financial markets, equipping students for immediate entry into high-responsibility roles in the finance industry.

We are incredibly proud to be ranked first worldwide for a second time by the FT. This result reflects our commitment to providing a world-class education and the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, and students. Our continuous efforts to innovate and adapt our curriculum ensure our graduates are well-prepared to excel in the dynamic finance landscape.

Professor Philippe Thomas
Academic Director of ESCP’s Master in Finance

Unparalleled Excellence in Finance Education

The programme also excelled in international mobility, ranking 1st, and international course experience, ranking 2nd, highlighting its global outlook and the strength of ESCP's international excellence. The 14-month intensive programme splits teaching between Paris and London, two leading global financial hubs, and includes a mandatory six-month internship that can be completed worldwide.

We are thrilled to see our Master in Finance programme recognised once again for its exceptional quality and impact. As the world’s oldest business school, ESCP maintains its position of excellence thanks to the unwavering dedication of our faculty, staff, students and alumni. These outstanding results demonstrate ESCP’s commitment to preparing our students to be the well-rounded business leaders of tomorrow, across all industries.

Professor Léon Laulusa
Dean and Executive President of ESCP Business School

Commitment to Global Experience and Career Success

ESCP’s Master in Finance has been well-recognised for its strong career performance, in part due to its innovative teaching methods and focus on soft skills to prepare students for their professional journeys post-graduation.

“Beyond the foundations of finance, the programme is designed to help students define their career goals and develop key interpersonal skills.

We believe this approach has strongly contributed to 100% of graduates being employed in less than three months following graduation from the programme,” adds Prof. Philippe Thomas. “Soft skills have been a part of the programme for more than 10 years and continue to be improved every year as we see them as an essential element to our graduates' future success.”

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