3M - Marketing Councils programme

Support the development of skills and expertise in Marketing teams

The first 3M Marketing Councils developed by ESCP were held. After a kick off session, 4 days of training were given to 70 employees in the France Marketing Department of the 3M Group. Product Marketers, Segment Marketers and Channel Marketers… worked hard for 4 days to continue to support a Group of international scope whose reputation in the field of innovation has long been proven.


Paris Campus

+33 (0)1 55 65 56 30

Why this programme?

3M testes the knowledge of its marketing community every two years. Individually, it enables each individual to develop their training plan, and by compiling these results it gives ideas for themes  to examine  in-depth. This community  meets every quarter  to discuss these themes, including outside  speakers. This promotes  exchange within the marketing community and broadens the vision of the concepts discussed.

Marie Perrot, Head of 3M France Marketing Excellence ProjectThe objective of the "Global Marketing Excellence" initiative is to reaffirm the function of marketing as the driver of business.

It involves  constantly listening to the customer and meeting their expectations through work with technical bodies. The ESCP programme has focused on the evolution of marketing functions while revising essential notions  necessary for ensuring our  marketers stay the course.
The goal was to strengthen the functional skills of the French subsidiary’s marketing teams so as to:

  • embody the Group’s marketing values better in their everyday work
  • facilitate behavioural change and the acquisition of greater efficacity.

We have in-house experts for some marketing themes, but not all! We therefore sought a partner to develop ad hoc training modules for our teams. And it is not easy considering the diversity of our company: from the health industry and the general public to security, electrical and telecom; we all have every different business model imaginable!

The Academic Director, Fabrizio Zerbini, immediately identified our problems and managed to create a competent team to meet the various expectations of our marketers. Our early interaction  convinced us of the future success of this programme, as the ESCP team was both attentive and flexible. And our marketing community would like to thank them.

Marie PERROT, Head of 3M France Marketing Excellence Project


What the participants liked

“Enriching, with concrete methods and immediately usable tools”
“I loved the concrete/usable-in-our-business part of this training”
“Great examples, fantastic interaction and accessible even to new marketers!”
“Excellent day, introducing new analytical tools and and different vision for my  business”

The Academic Director’s point of view

As a Marketing professor, training the Marketing teams of a major Group like 3M is both an honour and a challenge! Consequently, when I was offered the chance to be Academic Director I didn’t hesitate.

Each council is “ritualised”, it is composed of 3 identical sessions:

  • A “state of the art” based session: presentation of the framework, tools and applications
  • A second session based on a business case; participants work in groups of 5 and the results are given in a plenary session
  • A final session to conclude

I especially enjoyed the process of joint creation that shaped the preparatory phase and 3M’s idea of using around ten facilitators. As part of the  training (they attend Marketing Councils sessions), they are selected from the participants’ managers and  support them in their learning and work in sub-groups. This teaching method also enabled us to welcome a large number of participants while still maintaining workshops. In advance, each facilitator receives the business case that will be worked on in the afternoon; ESCP professor/ facilitator synergy is ensured by a half-day meeting.

Fabrizio ZERBINI,